The Love Story During the ancient Rome time, there was a loving couple . But one day the young man was bewitched to be indifferent to the lady. The kindhearted lady was so depressed. She sat in front of the window and cried day and night. Finally, her love touches the Gods. They sent the Triangel to the lady who made the witch appeared in front of the young man. The young man realised that the one he really love was the lady and they fall in love once again! Now, in Italy, girls like to place their Triangles in their rooms and let the Triangels bless them. 爱之神 Triangel的传说 ♥ 传说中爱神有两支箭 金箭用来帮助有缘份的人们 银箭则是用来破坏缘份的 于是爱神派出了一个天使来阻止银箭守护人与人之间的缘分 这个天使就是“爱之神”(TRIANGEL) 相传公元前二世纪的古罗马,有一对相爱的男女; 男孩被青蛙魔女施法勾引,魔法使他渐渐冷落了女孩。 女孩天天坐在窗前哭泣。 真情最终感动了上苍。 天上的众神令仙鹤叼着“爱之神”(Triangel)放在女孩的床前,令青蛙魔女在男孩的面前现出原形逃走。 于是男孩又重新回到女孩的身边。 意大利的女孩喜欢将“爱之神”(Triangel)放在自己的房间里,让它守护着自己和爱人。 You can purchase your TriAngel from the website below